Registered Charity No: 1108755
If you find it a challenge finding time to help raise funds and volunteer at school then why not join the growing number of families that donate to the School Fund?
Just £1 or £2 a month will make a real difference to the school.
The School Fund has been a registered charity since 2005; its aim is to:
Use charitable donations & Gift Aid to buy resources to further the education of pupils at Welwyn St Mary’s Primary School.
It is operated independently of the PTFA and relies solely on one-off donations or regular standing orders to buy equipment and facilities for our children that are not funded by the school budget.
Most recently, the Fund has contributed to the fantastic new play equipment in the KS2 playground and helped the school purchase exciting new maths resources for use across the entire school. You can see from the following quotes that equipment such as this makes a real difference to the children.
“Numicon is really good for counting over 10 and because each piece is a different colour, it’s easy to recognise. Even better, every 2 pieces adds up to 10 and fit without gaps. Numicon is fabulous!”
“Numicon really helps me because when I have a hard question, I use Numicon and I get the answer right!”
“When I get lost Numicon helps me to find my way.”
If you would like to contribute, download the form below and return it to the school office. Thank you!!!
- School Fund Newsletter March 2022 (738.56KB)
- School Fund newsletter October 2020 (1.27MB)
- School Fund donation form (105.05KB)
The trustees
- Evelyne Welch – Chair and Foundation Governor
- Emma Phillips – Acting Headteacher
- Oliver Kightley – Treasurer
- Hannah Gregory- parent
Contact us
Contact us on email:
The School Fund notice board is situated in the main building just outside the hall.
Minutes of meetings
- School Fund Meeting Nov 2022 (118.42KB)
- School Fund Meeting Sept 2021 (459.25KB)
- School Fund AGM Minutes September 2020 (368.75KB)