We are an active Green Group and have been busy making our school more eco-friendly. The people involved in this small society are eight pupils and Mrs Mather, who supervises us in our weekly meetings.
Our highlight this year was Nature Day. Everyone dressed up in a costume on the theme of nature and we took part in nature-themed activities. Some classes were drawing plants, making bug hotels and nature collages. We ended up raising £534, which we are going to donate to the WWF and buy plants for inside and outside our school.
Our school now has Plastic Free School status because we have worked hard to reduce single- use plastic in our school. We had a Plastic Busters event where for a week children were encouraged to cut down on the single use plastic in their packed lunches. We are continuing to monitor this. We also wrote letters to the cooks in the kitchen and they wrote back saying they have been thinking about plastic as well and how they can decrease the amount of plastic in the kitchen. Green group has also encouraged children to use refillable metal water bottles.
Throughout the year, we carried out a few litter picks in the school grounds, either wearing gardening gloves, or using litter pickers from our homes. We wrote letters to the manufacturers of the wrappers we found, asking them to cut down how much plastic they use.