Welcome to our school PTFA page!
Here you can find out more information about who we are, what we do, and how to contact us.
What does the PTFA stand for?
Parents, Teachers, and Friends Association.
What does the PTFA do?
We organise fun, social events for parents and children at the school whilst raising funds for the school and building a strong community. It is a great way of bringing everyone together socially, whilst financially supporting the school.
All funds raised by the PTFA are used to provide a great school experience for the children, paying for things that government funding can’t stretch to.
Why join our PTFA?
We are very fortunate to have an amazing PTFA at Welwyn St Marys. It has been an integral part of the school community for many years. In its time the PTFA has raised many thousands of pounds, which have been spent on improving equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education and the facilities in school.
We hold meetings each term, which are very informal. We also add an extra meeting before a large event. The majority of the meetings will consist of event planning and focusing on organising an up-and-coming event.
The PTFA is built up of a board, including a chair, secretary, and treasurer. We also have our class reps and members who act as leads or volunteers for our fundraising events. It sounds professional but we really are just a group of friends who want the best for our children and to just have fun in the process!!
How to become a PTFA member/volunteer?
Please contact your class rep or please contact us on wstmptfa@gmail.com
PTFA committee and contact details.
Co-Chair: Ellen Jackson
Co-Chair: Jax Thomson
Secretary: Chloe Murphy
Contact Email Address: wstmptfa@gmail.com
Treasurer: Corinna Semon
Contact Email Address: wstmptfatreasurer@gmail.com