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Parents’ information

Parent helpers

If you have some time available on a regular basis, there are several different ways you can help at school.

If you are interested in helping you will require DBS clearance and to attend a short session for parent helpers for safeguarding. Please ask for details.

Speak to your child’s teacher to find out when you can help!

Thank you to all the parents who already volunteer to help in school.

School nurse

Should you have any health concerns regarding your child the school nurse can be contacted on telephone no. 01707 252450.

Address: –

School Health Staff Nurse
Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust
Queensway Health Centre
Herts. AL10 0LF

Mental health and wellbeing

We put great importance on the well-being of our pupils, staff and families at WSM. Each month we will be sending a newsletter with ideas, tips and thoughts to support wellbeing and mental health for children and families. We hope to share any new advice that we find, resources that we would recommend and strategies that are worth trying.

With all wellbeing, our belief is that you need to invest in it, be committed to improving and supporting it and be consistent in your approaches in order to have the best wellbeing outcome possible.

Please visit this website for more information on Hertfordshire’s mental health campaign – Just Talk.

Application for leave of absence

Absence for holidays during term time will only be authorised in wholly exceptional or unavoidable circumstances and parents and carers should no longer expect such leave to be granted as of right.  The power to authorise an absence lies with the Headteacher and not with the local authority.  It should also be noted that a child’s absence record stays with them throughout their school career until the end of secondary school.

Emergency closure

In the event of an emergency or possible school closure due to snow we will Parentmail parents as early as possible.  We always endeavour to keep the school open and will only close if absolutely necessary.

When school is open on snowy days we would be most grateful for any extra help clearing the snow around the school site.  Any parents who would be willing to help in these unusual circumstances please contact school office.  Thank you.

“Park and Stride”

Park and Stride is an initiative to encourage part driving and part walking to school.  Please see pamphlet for further information such as suggested car parks and the benefits to families and the environment.

WGC and Hatfield Schools Partnership

Welwyn St Mary’s is part of the WGC and Hatfield Schools Partnership.   The partnership helps improve outcomes for children and young people and make it easier for you to support your children with their learning.

School Family Workers support families in whichever way they need.   They have a wealth of knowledge regarding services available to support families and can offer one to one support on parenting issues.  They support schools with the Common Assessment Framework, a tool which supports children and young people gain additional help in some areas of their lives.   The School Family Workers will happily help with queries you may have.