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Physical Education

Physical Education (PE) at Welwyn St Mary’s develops well balanced children whilst fostering their enjoyment, confidence and skills within PE, physical activity and school sport. This boosts mental wellbeing and achievement. We recognise the transferable nature of skills e.g. remembering a dance sequence and sequencing a story through cross-curricular activities.


We want to increase physical literacy (motivation and activity in life) for all pupils. We strive to inspire them to explore new sports, engage with other children, aspire to be the best they can. We aim to develop skills and understanding, personal challenge and self confidence. We want our children to be able to compete at an appropriate level to be able to experience success.


Based on the National Curriculum we use planning from ‘Power of PE’ scheme of work plus other planning from national bodies such as tri golf, netball and dodgeball. We have specialist coaching from Chance to Shine (cricket) and the local tennis club.

Throughout the key stages, our curriculum ensures children understand the many benefits of being physically active and the positive impacts of lifelong participation. We strive to develop the children’s physical literacy from the start of school in Reception and throughout their time in our school. Having motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding is essential for learning and success in life. The curriculum covers gymnastics, athletics, OAA (outdoor adventurous activities), dance, invasion, net and wall games and swimming.

We make sure our curriculum covers all aspects in the NC. We use the inter school programme of events to organise our calendar of sports or skills. This way the children are prepared to attend an event and it increases their chances of being successful.

CPD through Ch2Sh and tennis sessions, Tennis online training completed, dance training offered.

The national School Games Mark (gold) recognises our commitment to PE and sporting activities. Additionally, we promote a physical lifestyle through active classrooms. This is achieved through activities such as Just Dance, Super Movers, Take 10, the daily mile and investing in active resources to be used within the classroom setting.

We are fortunate to have excellent facilities for PE including a purpose-built gymnasium and extensive playing fields. Further involvement is encouraged through a wide range of extra-curricular activities which take place at lunchtime and after school. Additionally, we boost competitive sport through a variety of sporting competitions, offering a real variety and breadth for all.


We have very few (if any) PE refusers, all children come into school in PE kit, ready for the more active days when they have PE lessons.

Annually we have 1000+ participants in inter school events over the 60+ events we attend against local schools and district and county level fixtures, The reports from the events written by the children are positive, demonstrating their enjoyment- first and foremost- and their skills and communication development.

Through communication with families and alumni, we know that lots of children exploring sports clubs out of school after attending events.