Return to Curriculum


Music is our daily medicine which aids far better communication with others and ourselves.”
– Evelyn Glennie OBE, Percussionist

The Power of Music to change lives: A national plan for music education.

“Our vision is to enable all children to learn to sing, play an instrument and create music together; and have the opportunity to progress their musical interests and talents, including professionally.” – June 2022


At Welwyn St. Mary’s, we particularly value the important role of music in the everyday life of the school.  We set ourselves high standards and are proud of the strong musical tradition that flourishes here, both in and out of the classroom.

Music plays an important part in the development of the whole child contributing to building self-confidence, memory, well-being and communication skills.

We believe every child should have equal access to singing, playing instruments and listening to a wide range of music.


Our bespoke curriculum centres on the key areas of singing, performing, listening and composing which all contribute to the development of musicianship.

Singing is taught to the whole school, in class and in extra-curricular groups. Singing is an important part of our whole school worship, and children learn songs by rote and from lyrics through a dedicated weekly singing assembly. Part singing is introduced at an early stage with simple parts in KS1 and the more complex parts being taken by KS2. We use Charanga, Music Express, Model Music and School Designed Units to deliver the music curriculum to classes. Often a song is the inspirational starting point. Children who choose to join the choirs experience an additional range of classical and popular music of increasing complexity and challenge.

All children perform musically to each other (instruments and singing) in small groups and larger ensembles. This can be in class, in dedicated assemblies, church services and a music evening. The school choirs perform regularly in school and in the wider community.

Our fantastic stage facility enables all year groups to participate in shows for Christmas (nativities) and at other times of the year (a pantomime and leavers’ show).

In assemblies and class music lessons, the children will hear a wide range of music, drawing from all traditions and cultures. Through the rolling programme of suggested listening taken from the Model Music Curriculum, children learn about composers, timelines, inspirations, instrumentation and all the elements of music.

Children work in small groups to make their own music as response to a stimulus. Children improvise and experiment with sound. Graphic notation is introduced and progresses to staff notation accordingly.

Instrument Learning
There is ample opportunity to learn an instrument in school. We offer whole class learning in Year 2 (recorders), Year 4 (clarineos and jSaxes) which leads to Year 5 (clarinets, saxophones and flutes). From Year 2 onwards, peripatetic teachers offer recorder, piano, violin, ukulele and guitar. From Year 4 onwards, bassoon and brass instruments are also offered.

Music contributes to the EYFS Expressive Arts and Design strand. It is taught weekly by class teachers. There are opportunities for independent music exploration through Child Initiated Learning indoors and outside. Music is used across the curriculum to engage the children, embed their learning and foster enjoyment.


By the time our pupils leave Welwyn St Mary’s School, they will be able to appreciate the power and value of music in their lives. They will have developed the confidence to sing for pleasure and to an audience; play an instrument to at least a basic level; know a range of music from different genres and cultures; and be reflective about their own appreciation of music. Some will have chosen to pursue learning an instrument further, through lessons in school.

From a former parent:
“Myself and my husband are not musical people and would have had no idea of the children’s potential had it not been spotted, nurtured and encouraged at Welwyn St Mary’s.  Throughout their education music has been a source of great joy and comfort to both children and has led them to make new friends and have a wealth of opportunities which they wouldn’t otherwise have experienced.  No other primary school that I am aware of offers the same breadth of opportunity for gifted and talented musicians and I will be forever grateful that the school was able to give them the help to develop their talents which we as parents were not equipped to.”

Charity Christmas Concert 2023: Community and School Choirs and Alumnus Choir

From an ex-member of staff, 2023
“Wow! What a really fabulous show. You pitched it perfectly and didn’t it fly! They just couldn’t stop at the end –  a feeling and a memory that will live long in their hearts. It was one of the most uplifting things to see. Well done for being so ambitious and for pulling it off to such a high standard. Awesome! On so many levels.”

Peter Pan – the Year 3 and 4 Show 2023






From a parent, 2024
“My son was given an amazing opportunity to try out some instruments in his music lesson Year 4. He was given the Clarineo to play and discovered a talent he didn’t know he had! In Year 5 he started to learn the clarinet and fell in love with music, he now has weekly clarinet lessons at school and has carried on his music journey, we are so grateful for this opportunity and experience and hope he will be playing for years to come!”

Class music lessons


  • Choir – non auditioned lunchtime club for Y4-6.
  • Chamber Choir – auditioned smaller group, exploring more complex repertoire.
  • Community Choir – non auditioned evening group for parents, teachers, ex-staff and members of the local community.
  • Alumni Choir – previous pupils are welcomed back from time to time to sing at concerts
  • Ukulele club – non auditioned club, running over two lunchtimes

The school choirs perform regularly for charity concerts and village events and took part in the 2023 Hertfordshire Schools Gala in the Royal Albert Hall.

From a pupil, 2024
When I went to the Royal Albert Hall, I enjoyed listening to all the other schools performing their songs and expressing themselves. I thought that being in a group, performing in front of so many people was enjoyable and interesting. I liked the trip there and back and the main performance. I hope the future children of Welwyn St. Mary’s will enjoy it as much as I did.