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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to the Year 5 page!  We have lots of new learning going on in Year 5.  Our topics include studying Mountains and Rivers, Ancient Egypt, the artist Matisse, Islam and Space.  We also have some excellent school trips to Vertigo Adventures and Woodhall Country Estate.  We have special days including making plastazote Egyptian masks, the local schools’ dance festival and a Saxon and Viking history day.  On here, you will find photos of our classroom and some of the events in which we take part.

‘Hello, I am a pupil from year 5 and year 5 is an amazing year at Welwyn St Mary’s.  We did a dance festival at the Hawthorne theatre which was so fun!  We also learnt how to play the djembe drums.  Lastly, I am looking forward to going to Vertigo Adventure Park.  Overall, Year 5 so far, has been super!”
– Written by Maisie from JT5

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