At Welwyn St Mary’s, music is a very important part of our days. We are fortunate enough to have a specialist music teacher in year 6 – Mrs Harrison, who runs our choir, chamber choir and community choir. She also teaches music throughout the school.
We also have peripatetic teachers who enable pupils to learn a wide variety of instruments, from recorder to saxophone and from piano to violin. We enjoy regular music assemblies where pupils are able to perform.
Welwyn St Mary’s choirs perform regularly and have raised money for a variety of charities. In December the chamber choir, school choir and Welwyn St Mary’s community choir perform at the Howard Centre, Welwyn Garden City.
The choirs have raised funds for various charities, continuing the Welwyn St Mary’s ethos of being involved in the community and helping those who are less fortunate.
If you are interested in joining our Welwyn St Mary’s Community choir, please contact the school office for more information on